As we all gather for this year's Thanksgiving celebrations, it comes in a year filled with adversity, as 2020 has been full of challenges around every corner.
Still, at Tec Inc. Engineering & Design, we pushed ahead and found ways to continue with our mission, doubling-down on our commitment to friendly client relationships and continuous improvement..
We were even fortunate enough to add a new member to our team, as we introduced Greshaud Allen, PE, LEED AP as a Senior Mechanical Engineer to our Pittsburgh office in early August.
However, we gave our team a chance to speak for themselves, allowing them to share what has them still feeling thankful after a year that brought numerous challenges that had an effect on just about everyone.
Some were thankful for things inside the office, some for things out, and even more expressed optimism about both.
My Tec Family.
I'm thankful that none of my family or close friends were negatively affected by the pandemic in any life-altering way. I know plenty of acquaintances who have not been as fortunate as I have.
I am thankful for my 2-year-old granddaughter and her unborn sister due on January 1.
Our dedicated staff working hard throughout the challenges of 2020.
This year has absolutely brought new challenges, yet there are still so many things to be grateful for. In fact, I don't even know where to begin.
I'm thankful for my friends and family for all the calls, video chats, and distanced meetings and for my fiancé (as of October 2nd!) for helping to keep me sane during quarantine. I'm also thankful that my family and friends who have had COVID were able to overcome it and that my grandparents and family members at risk have been able to stay healthy.
I'm thankful that remote learning was possible so that I was able to graduate on time.
I'm thankful that, even during the pandemic, TEC was still willing and able to bring me on to the team. I know many firms had been laying off their engineers or not hiring recent graduates, so I am truly blessed with this opportunity. I am also grateful for my mentors here, I am continuously learning and growing as an engineer because of the people who spend so much time investing in me.
I am thankful for Family, and being able to have nature around to enjoy. Going to a park is very fulfilling. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Throughout this difficult year and entering the Holiday Season I remain thankful for the resiliency of our staff to embrace both the necessary changes as well as the opportunities that have been presented. These efforts have allowed Tec Inc to navigate these difficult times in a reasonably good fashion. Our staff has remained intact and even grown. I am also very thankful for the health, well-being, and safety of our staff, family, and friends. I know it has not been easy for any of us. I am looking forward to 2021 with boundless optimism. The glass is definitely half full!
Everyone in my family has managed to stay well. I will be retiring December 31st after 34 years of working at Tec.
While this has been the most challenging year for us, I am so thankful that my husband and I are healthy and able to enjoy our two daughters and their families. Having two wonderful son-in-laws and four grandchildren is a wonderful blessing. Everyday is precious and being together is why I am most "thankful".
Thankful for the kindness of others. It makes the world go around and a better place to live.
I'm thankful for the flexibility that Tec offers to be able to work from home and to be there for my kids as they are going to school remotely.
Good health.
We are thankful our families are healthy and safe, and are thriving amid the pain of the pandemic. We are keeping our good attitudes and high spirits as best we can based on our beliefs and faith. Thank God for all his many blessings, and the people giving more and more to help us through this challenging time.
I'm thankful to have the chance to continue growing my skills as a newer member of a great company. I'm also feeling very thankful for the animals in my life (two dogs and a cat) who've found ways to put a smile on my face over-and-over throughout this crazy year.
With so many uncertainties this year, including the continued health of family and friends, I am genuinely grateful for the stable work environment I have with this company. Tec has been a constant that I have realized great appreciation for this year. Knowing that I have good people to work with and stable employment, helps me overcome many of this year's anxieties.
I am very thankful for the many supportive friends, clients, and contacts that I've been able to connect with throughout the year and I wish everyone a safe and blessed holiday season.
Being accepted into the Tec Family.
I am thankful for the good health and well-being of all my family, friends, and co-workers during this unprecedented year. I am also thankful for the delicious family meals around the holiday season!
With everything that has been going on this year, I am most thankful for my family friends and the good health they are all in. Without them, this past year would have been even more difficult to get through. I am also thankful for my job and the company that I work for in this time of uncertainty. It's a blessing to be in a company that remains prosperous in these sorts of unfortunate situations. Lastly, I am thankful for great TV shows and great music to help pass the time and keep my mind occupied when stuck inside.